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*I believe in narrating positive Dreams through my artworks;

Michel Anthony

Its only after much contemplation and self exploration of the form, volume and space and by transfering this imagination on paper or a painting that I am able to eventually conceptionalize in three dimensional sculptures. In every art piece one can feel the passion and emotion put into it, and each time I marvel at my creation and believing as its the ultimate and the best artwork that I have ever done. Quite often someone ask me like how long does it takes to finish a certain piece of work, its impossible and I can never put a time period to finish a said creation, as for an example I wanted to touch up a sculpture that’s to be 35x37x24cm and it ended 70x80x35cm and Bingo... its done. And its hugely rewarding knowing my art is special indeed when you see a person walk toward the sculpture with that awe and admiration in their eye’s and by being sensitive to the vibration of what I am transmitting through my creation that invokes deep and positive colours on somebodies feeling and only after caressing it and with guilt, they ask if it was okay to touch them. Ha ha haa! even though its strictly “ Verboten “ to touch with greasy hands etc... its a pure pleasure when this happens.

1) A wonderful reward when it was announced that the prestigious prize of the year 2005 for sculpture Amy & painting goes to Michel Anthony in Nice, France.

2) It was a sweet surprise when it was announced that I was the winner during the 2012 Salon A.I.A.P. UNESCO, Prix de la Commission Nationale aupres de l' UNESCO in Monaco, for my sculpture " Aidos " 3) Quite an honor when my sculpture " The Power of Music " was selected for the " Bicentenary of Giuseppe Verdi " and exhibited at the Meseum of M.O.CA Montecatini Terme, Tuscany in Italy in 2013

4) Received “ Prix Révélateur de Talents 2015 ” of Art freedom “ Salon Business Art “ at l'Espace Pierre Cardin, Paris.

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